Sunday, August 31, 2014

A New Bed Design

Have you ever had a crazy idea and then discovered you weren't the first one to come up with it?

I sleep on an unopened futon.  I used to sleep on the couch, but I replaced the couch with a futon.  The futon does afford a guest bed in the slight chance someone wants to come see me.  Seriously, there are now three futons in my home and the Winnebago has a great bed, plus a futon type couch.  I'm getting ready for the gathering, but in the meantime, I'm thinking of one more bed design.

There are posturepedic, tempur-pedic, and sleep number beds, but I'm thinking more like some sort of rotisserie idea.  I'm trying to age gracefully, but I've recently become aware of one more odd fact of growing older.  I sleep primarily on my left side, and suddenly I've become aware of some odd tissue displacement.  Gravity is once again the culprit, I'm guessing.  I can't do the upside down bat style sleeping and we all know daily that gravity is always pulling us toward the ground, so here's an idea.

Some sort of sleeping bag style hammock.  It would have to zip or have straps; otherwise, you'd fall out when it rotated through the night.  No crazy high speed stuff, just a way to literally sleep on air without having any side down for too long.  It would be similar to sleeping in space.  I remember seeing the astronauts floating around in the old documentaries showing how they prepared themselves to go into space and get used to less gravity.

I knew this was not a completely ludicrous idea, so I googled . . . Someone else has given this serious thought, as well; although this design calls for more in the research and development department.

1 comment:

  1. My close friend sleeps in a hammock and loves it! She finally gets a great night sleep and gushes about it everytime I see her!
