Friday, June 20, 2014

A Little Girl Talk Here . . .

If we may. Please excuse us for a moment, guys. 

                                                          by Terrie Carpenter

Standing in the check-out line at the market, drenched in sweat, I spotted a little girl a few aisles over I dressed up like a princess. It prompted me to wonder just how I went from dressing up like her and feeling like a princess to standing there that day, feeling more like a toad.   Oh yeah, I was when I reached that age of maturity when menopause reared her ugly head! I traded Midol and feminine products for Wet-Wipes and "oopsie, I sneezed" feminine products!  Sweat dripped off my wrists as I payed for my purchases that day, and thankfully, the cashier didn't mention my condition...considering it was under 50 degrees outside! I went home feeling depressed, changed my blouse for the third time since morning and ate a whole bag of Hershey Kisses, which in turn, gave me a toothache! I knew then that there had to be a better way to approach this inglorious season of my femininity, and I was determined to find it! 

More than a year has passed since that day, but I have finally found peace and contentment, even in this season, which is sooooo much longer than any of the four seasons in a year! There are things a girl can do to make the process easier. Perhaps some of what I have learned may be beneficial to you, and so I happily share it! 
Take a moment to let this definition sink into your spirit, it is our assurance that this season does end! Knowing this makes fighting the battle a little easier! 
Postmenopausal: Adjective
*Having gone through menopause
*Happening after menopause 
I reached a turning point in the season when I learned how to praise our Heavenly Father, even through the dripping sweat! I was fearfully and wonderfully created female, with all the perks and benefits of being such. You see, in my humble opinion, everything Adam lacked was completed in Eve. Hands down, I'm thankful to be a woman instead of a man! I learned to be thankful to have lived long enough to see this season, many of my girlfriends did not. I learned to be thankful for going through this in the most natural of ways, instead of illness or surgery being behind my symptoms. And I became extremely thankful for the sense of humor Abba instilled within me...laughter is so much better than tears! I changed how I looked at the season, and was immediately strengthened to ride it out with gratitude instead of angst. 
Yes, I still drip enough sweat that I could probably make a big dent in the drought index, but I am no longer dismayed or depressed by it. Instead, I do the things I can do to combat the symptoms, and give thanks, give thanks, give thanks! Here are some helpful tips for you if you are in the trenches with me:
(1) Wet wipes. Keep these in your purse when going out, and in the fridge when at home.  As soon as you feel the hot flash coming, apply them. At home, standing in front of the open freezer helps. If I get there quick enough, I don't even have to change my blouse! 
(2) Change your diet. Increase fruit, include healthy smoothies, and hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! And it's okay to keep a little treat on hand, just for you, being in menopause shows we're old enough to make that decision :)
(3) Keep your make-up to a minimum. It's going to melt off your face, anyway! Learn to appreciate the natural beauty you were created's one less hassle in your day.
(4) Have a refreshing body mist on hand, preferably one with a very pleasant scent. I'm thinking this is self-explanatory!
(5) Consider your hair-style, as your hair will be wet now more than any other time in your life! Keep it very, very simple.
Nights can be the worst, but I've found ways for combatting them, as well. Bath towels have taken on a new role of importance! So has talcum powder! Learn to use them well. With a few minutes of preparation, the night will go much smoother. This is the routine I have learned to follow, and the results have been fantastic!
(1) Shower before bed, and cool the water off toward the end, until you feel the chill internally. Then, powder up like a princess!
(2) Place a face cloth in a basin of very cold water on the night-stand, with-in reach. It's great for quick cool-offs without having to get up out of bed. 
(3) Wrap a towel around your pillow, and keep a couple more handy for quick changes in the night. 
(4) Lay an extra sheet (or three) on your side of the bed, peeling them off as needed.
(5) Sleep naked. The extra towels and sheets are enough extra laundry to do. If you don't feel comfortable sleeping in the buff, keep an extra night-gown out and ready, and teach your husband how to do the wash!
(6) Have a bigger blanket at the end of your bed. In between hot flashes, you're going to shiver!
(7) Stay uncovered from the knees down to start the night. You'll become a pro like me at covering and uncovering with little disturbance to your rest, each time you roll over.
(8) Learn how to cat-nap at some point in the day. If your day doesn't allow for twenty undisturbed minutes, perhaps some things need to be reprioritized. It's better to say "no" to someone than to feel frustrated and cranky, on top of sweaty! 
(9) Each time you wake up drenched, all 300 of them, give praise to our Heavely Father! There's something sweet about loving on Him in the darkest part of the night, and He is faithful to give us rest.
(10) Repeat the word ~postmenopausal~ as many times as you need the reminder that this is, indeed, a season.

Girlfriends, we don't have to spend this time hating our lives or our bodies! There are so many more constructive things we could be doing. So many other things we can give our focus and concentration to! Make gratitude your biggest character trait. Breathe in the peace from On High and breathe out blessings instead of curses. Whether we do this in misery or with grace, we are not going to escape this season. We're to be content in any given state...I'm thinking this is our God's way of saying "Suck it up, cupcake, and choose to be happy!" And so, I have stopped considering myself as a wet dish-rag. I have chosen, instead, to consider myself One Hot Momma! Not quite postmenopausal, but well on my way...

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