Sunday, June 29, 2014

Foundation Garments

I don't usually write articles for an advertisement, so we'll call this a testimonial.  This topic is usually reserved for the private messages of social media or anonymous forums boards, but we're all adults and the article is clearly marked.

I refer to my bras as foundation ware.  I use "ware" rather than "wear" because my foundation garments usually bring to mind something relating to hardware or industrial products rather than underwear.  Since Jr. High, I've let the jokes and comments roll off my back, but by middle age, the need for good support was no laughing matter.  It affects one's back, posture, and even breathing.  Some of my friends in social media have privately exchanged valuable information as to resources for the "bountifully buxom."  Whether it's pads for the shoulder straps or a specialty shop, they've done what they can to share the info.

I, literally, had to stop wearing underwires about ten years ago.  That has not helped my back muscles, posture, or appearance . . . If the cup size is not fitted properly, the underwires, protrude.  I was discreetly trying to find my size, and taking all the leads I could find, but to no avail.  It's a sad day when you go to "the full figure shop" and they simply tell you, they don't carry anything in that size.  That really hit hard.  I've heard a lot of comments, but that one really kind of hurt my feelings.  They weren't being cruel, just honest.  It is hard to take, however; from someone who clearly doesn't purchase their wardrobe where they work.

Just between us girls, NSA, and Google; I entered in a search, hoping to find what I needed.  Also considering, most foundation ware of this size, is a sizeable investment, so trying to locate just the right fit on the internet seemed a daunting task.  When I first discovered Her Room in 2012, I was also looking for front closure, since my arm was broken.  I'd given up on underwires and just wanted something that would give me some back relief, that I could fasten without pain.

When I came across this wonderful online shop, the prices weren't out of line with what I'd seen.  They carry quite an inventory, with the "cup size alphabet" going higher than I've seen anywhere else, but also including the more recognized mainstream letters.  Upon seeing the sizes that were available, I felt almost petite!  Well, almost . . . Anyway, I ordered a couple of brassieres and was truly impressed with the quality.  On a side note, when you break an arm, about the last thing to get back to normal is your ability to hook a bra in the back.  Once that became easy, I got brave.  I actually ordered an underwire in my size and it's wonderful.

This shop carries such a varied inventory of styles and sizes.  Although I haven't purchased any other products besides foundation ware, Her Room does carry everything from lingerie to jackets.  I'd encourage you to visit.

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